Evelyn Abernethy

Evie worked with her dad in his plumbing business and donated many evenings at Port Huron Hospital.

She never saw her contribution to the home front as anything special. That’s the thing about her generation. They were willing to step up and do what needed to be done.

Rose Alkofer

Rose and her friend Laura went on to work as a team at Vega, the Lockheed Aircraft parts division, in Burbank. Rose worked there from 1942 until World War II ended. In their production team, Rose was indeed the riveter, and Laura would assist her in the process with the parts as the “bucker”.

June P Miller

Upon greeting these two young women, the crop farmer, Guy Smith, scratched his head as to how these two small, scrawny, females were going to work out! But they did and won the farmer over with their efforts! It was quite an experience and while it was very different from what they were accustomed to, they had the time of their lives, working hard, distracting themselves from missing their husbands.