Laura Millican Spriggs

Laura Belle Millican Spriggs (1922-2012), born in Oconee County, GA

Samuel Eldo Spriggs (1919-1989), T/4 Sgt., U.S. Army, born in Hall County, GA

Mother traveled to Battle Creek, MI, by train when my father was in basic training at Fort Custer in 1942. While there, she worked on the assembly line packing K rations at The Kellogg Company and lived with a local couple.

When his company transferred to Wilmington, CA, for further training as a military police unit, Mother traveled there by train and worked at California Shipbuilding Company first as a welder and then in the office.

I was born in 1945, and my father returned home in early 1946 after serving in both the European and Pacific theaters.

Submitted by Jean Spriggs Ousley, proud Rosebud from Lawrenceville, GA (Past President of American Rosie the Riveter Association)